
Dorset County Golf Union

Cyril Nash Memorial TrophyOliver Rogers Cyril Nash winner

Wareham GC 08 July 2018

Oliver Rogers Wareham wins the Memorial Trophy

With another very warm day at Wareham with temperatures in the high twenties this was going to be a very warm test for our young guns around the County for this year’s Cyril Nash Memorial Trophy event incorporating the English Junior Champion Club qualifier.  The course fairways were hard and bouncy but the greens looked and played superbly and were very receptive.  The scoring proved more difficult than in past years but all players did well given the heat. Oliver Rogers Wareham and this year’s Peter Alliss winner set the pace coming home with 41 points which proved to be too good for the field with Toby Boyde Parkstone along with Elliott Over Yeovil and Jessica Murphy Wareham all coming home with 38 points some three off the pace.  Well done Oliver on winning the Cyril Nash Memorial Putter. 

Individual Results:

First Place: Oliver Rogers Wareham 41 points
Second Place: Toby Boyde Parkstone 38 points
Third Place: Elliott Over Yeovil 38 points

For the full individual Results click here.

Wareham win the Team Trophy

Wareham Team WinnersWith the Wareham Team out early posted the team score to beat and then had to anxiously watch as the scores came in.  Their score of 79 was good with both Parkstone A and B teams only managing to total 73 each with the Parkstone A having the better third score to take second place. So this is the first time in the last few year’s Wareham have managed to get a squad together and it has paid off with a tremendous win allowing them to go forward to represent Dorset at this year’s Junior Champion Club event in August.



First Place: Wareham 79 Points
Second Place: Parkstone A 73 Points
Third Place: Parkstone B 73 Points

For the full team results click here.

Oliver Rogers Toby Boyde Runner UpElliott Over ThirdWareham Team WinnersTeam Runners Up Parkstone A

The Junior Committee wish to thank Wareham GC for hosting the event and all those who took part for their support to this event it is a great opportunity to allow club youngsters with a higher handicap to represent the club in a competitive competition. 



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