On a damp day the inaugural County Boys Foursomes Championship got under way at the always impressive Knighton Heath Course. The Junior Sub Committee last year decided it would be a great idea to put on a Junior Foursomes Championship to help improve Foursomes play within the County. The event is an ideal opportunity for club players to hone their skills at this challenging format and would help players in future events such as Beckford Bowl, Brokenhurst Stag, Stoke Salver and Longmore Shield. So it is very disappointing to have only twelve pairs take part in this first of many we hope, it did not however detract from some fine golf being played.
Jordan Howlett and Dan Haymes were early club house leaders on 75 closely followed by BJ Bugden and Fraser Dawson on 76, Ashley Colloff and Tyler Holly joined them on 75 but then came the Broadstone pairing Nathan Lake and Will Gourlay with a 74 to hold the lead after the morning round. The after noon saw Harry Shaw and Harry Willsher shoot a fine level par 70 to leave them wondering and muttering about there mornings 89. Fraser and BJ set the pace coming home in 74 for a 150 total as they waited to see what the morning leaders would bring home. Jordan and Dan slipped off with a 76 and a 151 total. So we waited for Nathan and Will to come in they had not had it as good in the afternoon finding it much tougher with an 81 for a 155. Ashley and Tyler had a 78 for a net 135 total to take the handicap championship by two from club team mates from Jack Baker & Jordan Randell.
For the full results click here.
Our sincere thanks to Knighton Heath GC for hosting the event and to Peter Keeping Captain and Steve Howlett Vice Captain for all thier efforts throughout the day looking after both players and officials so well.
Finally a special mention to the two who played most golf young Steffen Foley and Liam Parker Wareham Steffen is the Cyril Nash Champion and for Liam it was his first venture to another golf course. They played the most golf yes but always had a smile on their faces and we thank them for entering and ensuring the event went ahead.